Houston TX Leak Repair Services

leak repair houstonOf all the issues that could occur to a plumbing system, a pipe leak does the most damage, every year water leaks causes destruction and damages worth millions of dollars. A large hole in an intake pipe can flood your entire house, especially if there is no one to take care of it. Even the little drops that come from a tiny hole on a pipe within the walls slowly eat up the paint as well as the structure of your homes.

The thought of coming home and finding your house flooded in water can be really scary, and the most common cause of this are the leaky pipes. The pipes that make up the plumbing system of your homes are usually flawless when they are installed, but after a year or two some of the pipes begin to have holes on them, causing the pipes to start leaking. These factors include:

Temperature Change: depending on the material used to forge the pipe, sudden changes in the temperature of the water that course through these pipes, end up affecting the pipe over time, especially when hot and cold water passes through the same pipe. The temperature of the environment also affects the pipes, especially during winter when the pipes become frozen and cracks easily.

Age: this is probably the main cause of leaks, and like any other machine, pipes begin to deteriorate with age. It could be that your house could have been built a long time ago, and the pipes in your home are probably as old as your house. Even the most durable pipes cannot withstand the tests of time, and begins to deteriorate having lots of holes in them over time.

Clogs: Clogs are unavoidable, in any plumbing system, and although they rarely happen with intake pipes, it is another story with the drain pipes. There are quite a number of things that clog drain pipes, which include food particles, fat, grease, soap scum, dirt etc. This things form thick walls in the pipes, and do not allow the free flow of waste water through them, thus causing the pipes to crack and have holes in them, leaving you with messy puddles of waste water in your kitchen.

Leaky water heaters: this is usually as a result of age, or due to the hardness of the water as well as the minerals that come with the water. These minerals settle at the base of the water heater and form holes in them.

When you notice signs of a leak in your home, contact us immediately, and we will send someone over to take care of it. Whether it’s a leaking water heater, a leaking toilet, an intake pipe, a drain pipe, or anything else. Our experts are able to detect the exact place where it leaks and take care of it, whether it’s a house, or a commercial building, we've got you covered.